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Online retailers: Best ways to stay up-to-date on cybersecurity

Online retailers: Best ways to stay up-to-date on cybersecurity

By RossBackup (481 words) | Posted in Data Backup Tips on January 02, 2015

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According to a survey from the National Cyber Security Alliance, 77 percent of small business owners say their company is safe from online threats. And yet, 83 percent admitted they have no formal cybersecurity plan.

Unfortunately, small businesses are an easy target for hackers because they know many owners don't have the expertise for data protection and response tools - but you can prove them wrong. 

Ensuring you and your customer's information is secure means more than making sure Norton Antivirus is up to date. You should also... 

1. Add more levels of security

Your work building probably has more than one lock, right? Having many strong barriers guarding your system will make it harder for hackers to break in the further along they try to go. There are limits to this, however. While multiple encryption is a smart way to keep hackers out, the same doesn't apply for antivirus software. Using too many at once could cancel each software's protection, leaving you unknowingly exposed.

2. Back up everything 

There's a saying among techies: "If it doesn't exist in two places, it doesn't exist at all." You'll regret putting all of your eggs in one basket the day you need it most. Cloud Storage is one of the best and most secure methods of backup. Avoid using an external hard drive if you can; there's a lot at stake by putting your information on a tangible device, such as physical damage and the risk of someone swiping it under your nose.

3. Get all employees on board 

It's not just the IT department's job to ensure security. Everyone using a laptop or computer for your company has a responsibility to protect it as if it were a safe containing the company's money. If you don't already, have set guidelines that the employee agrees to when hired, outlining items like how to avoid phishing scams and set a secure password. You can also block certain sites that are at a higher risk for picking up viruses. 

4. Have a fast recovery plan 

No matter how hard you try, security breaches happen to the best of us. Make sure there's a way to act fast after you discover your system has been compromised. If you're not sure what happened, contact your local computer crimes unit. They can do a forensic analysis and begin a paper trail against the hacker. Depending on if the rift affected only employee computers or all of your customers, be honest and upfront with everyone involved as soon as possible while you patch the problem. 

The same way you make it a point to protect your business’s money, it's just as important to take the same precautions for your online assets. Make it your New Year's resolution to keep your company under (virtual) lock and key in 2015.

Comments (1)

Chase Webb posted on: February 10, 2018

Trying to keep cyber security up to date can be really challenging. Thanks for the info!

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