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Articles Tagged - RossBackup

By RossBackup, Posted in Data Backup Tips

Some people like to keep a healthy amount of paranoia when it comes to technology. We know that there are thieves who hack into personal WIFI connections to steal identities, so it is understandable that some folks are skeptical about backing up their data online. Here’s the deal, though: using the cloud to back up your files in the new year is absolutely essential. Here are three reasons to backup your data in 2015:1. Security means longevity: Remember how horrible you felt the last time you lost you... read more.

By RossBackup, Posted in Common Sense

Happy New Year! As we ring in 2015, we should keep in mind the issues of 2014 and what we can do to improve. It is easy to say that 2014 was the year of hacking. Between leaked female celebrity photos and Sony, it was hard not to think about it. While there are some preventative measures for adults to try and stay ahead of hackers, it is important that we teach our children them as well. Generation Z is constantly surrounded by technology: tablets, computers, televisions, phones, and video game consoles. Wi... read more.

By RossBackup, Posted in Data Backup Tips

According to a survey from the National Cyber Security Alliance, 77 percent of small business owners say their company is safe from online threats. And yet, 83 percent admitted they have no formal cybersecurity plan.Unfortunately, small businesses are an easy target for hackers because they know many owners don't have the expertise for data protection and response tools - but you can prove them wrong. Ensuring you and your customer's information is secure means more than making sure Norton Antivirus is... read more.

By RossBackup, Posted in Common Sense

It will soon be 2015 – are you ready? You’ve likely heard of New Year’s resolutions such as losing weight, eating healthier and quitting smoking, but what about a preventative resolution? In 2015, why not insure your most important digital information, such as documents, photos, and other media.Identity Theft is one of the fastest growing crimes in the United States today. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) approximates that up to nine million people in the United States have their identit... read more.

By RossBackup, Posted in Common Sense

The holiday season is rapidly approaching; with all of the upcoming holiday festivities, it’s the perfect time of year to ensure your memories are protected.  Read on to learn just how imperative cloud backup is.Secure and Centralized Data When you decide to start backing up, all of your data is stored remotely. You take pictures constantly documenting daily life and important milestones, and the amount of pictures you take only increases as the holiday season progresses. With multiple devic... read more.

By RossBackup, Posted in Data Backup Tips

The holiday season is the perfect time of year to document new memories and favorite family traditions. Unfortunately, digitally captured memories tend to get lost in the rush and excitement holiday engagements. Preserve your holiday memories safely by using the following tips.Backup One way to help ensure your memories are stored safely is to transfer photographs to your storage device as soon as possible. Use of an online cloud storage system is an easy and secure way to keep your holiday memories safe.... read more.

By RossBackup, Posted in Data Backup Tips

Why haven’t you backed up your stuff yet? You know what stuff I am talking about: your documents, emails, photographs, videos, etc. You can’t just expect that it will all still be there safe and sound, day after day, no matter what happens. Because bad things do happen to good people, even when you think they won’t. Putting lost or stolen computers and devices aside, there’s also a lot of malware and just as many viruses that can get into your computer or device and wipe out everythi... read more.

By RossBackup, Posted in Small Business Backup

Cloud storage is beneficial for everyone. However, there are some very important incentives that cloud storage offers to small business owners.1)   AccessibilityAs a small business owner you have endless responsibilities. This often means taking work with you while you are on-the-go. Perhaps the most important benefit of using a cloud storage system is the accessibility of your data. Retrieving files from cloud storage only requires that you have a device (your laptop, tablet or even your smart ph... read more.

By RossBackup, Posted in Common Sense

5 Reasons to Use Professional Cloud Storage Systems Online cloud storage systems are incredibly easy to use and offer benefits that traditional storage methods do not. Your computer or external hard drive have inherent shortcomings where storage is concerned. Online cloud storage offers customers unlimited storage space in a safer, more secure manner than hard drives. The most prominent benefits to cloud storage systems are listed below. Centralized Location  In our digital age, our lives are fill... read more.

By RossBackup, Posted in Common Sense

A common reason people cite for not using a cloud storage system is that they already have an external hard drive that they use to backup necessary files. While having any method of backup is preferable to nothing at all, there are some definite disadvantages to using an external hard drive and if you are already investing time and money in the backup of your most important files, why not use a system that ensures you are able to easily access your data? External Hard Drives are Subject to Physical Da... read more.

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