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Posts in Support

By RossBackup, Posted in Support

With the ever-changing technical landscape, you can bet that your computer will be obsolete in the next two years. But that doesn’t mean your files or photos are obsolete. Whether you’re backing up data for your business or holding on to family vacation memories, backing up your computer is essential to protecting your important files.Not only will they be safe from hackers or hardware failure but you’ll also be able to move them across old and new devices as technology changes. If you&rsq... read more.

By RossBackup, Posted in Support

Have you recently downloaded something and noticed your computer is starting to act funny? Maybe you're seeing fake antivirus messages, getting spammed with unwanted popup ads, or getting redirected Internet searches when you open your browser.Knowing you have a problem is the first step to a solution. Now comes the fun part - how do you remove this malicious software from your computer? If you catch it early, undoing the virus is a simple process.  Figure out what type of virus is on your deviceH... read more.

By Aaron, Posted in Support

Customer Support. It’s something we all hope never to need, but when we do, it better be good. Millions of companies offer support, and each one proclaims that they are the best. Let’s look at all the options.1)    Outsourcing. It seems simple enough on paper. Instead of paying agents upwards of $40,000 a year, you can pay $5,000 for someone that lives out of the country.  The pros are obvious.  Lower overhead can translate into more competitive pricing for the customer.... read more.

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