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Posts in Common Sense

By RossBackup, Posted in Common Sense

Happy New Year! As we ring in 2015, we should keep in mind the issues of 2014 and what we can do to improve. It is easy to say that 2014 was the year of hacking. Between leaked female celebrity photos and Sony, it was hard not to think about it. While there are some preventative measures for adults to try and stay ahead of hackers, it is important that we teach our children them as well. Generation Z is constantly surrounded by technology: tablets, computers, televisions, phones, and video game consoles. Wi... read more.

By RossBackup, Posted in Common Sense

It will soon be 2015 – are you ready? You’ve likely heard of New Year’s resolutions such as losing weight, eating healthier and quitting smoking, but what about a preventative resolution? In 2015, why not insure your most important digital information, such as documents, photos, and other media.Identity Theft is one of the fastest growing crimes in the United States today. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) approximates that up to nine million people in the United States have their identit... read more.

By RossBackup, Posted in Common Sense

The holiday season is rapidly approaching; with all of the upcoming holiday festivities, it’s the perfect time of year to ensure your memories are protected.  Read on to learn just how imperative cloud backup is.Secure and Centralized Data When you decide to start backing up, all of your data is stored remotely. You take pictures constantly documenting daily life and important milestones, and the amount of pictures you take only increases as the holiday season progresses. With multiple devic... read more.

By Aaron, Posted in Common Sense

‘Tis the season for the experts to weigh in. Once again there was a major data breach, and experts all across the globe are sharing their pointers on how to stay protected. However, there is a lot of misinformation being spread, and I think it’s time to clarify. Let’s take five of the more popular pointers culled from MSN, AOL, Yahoo, and others, and separate the facts from the fiction. As an added bonus, I’ll throw in some RossBackup suggestions to help you stay protected.1) &n... read more.

By RossBackup, Posted in Common Sense

5 Reasons to Use Professional Cloud Storage Systems Online cloud storage systems are incredibly easy to use and offer benefits that traditional storage methods do not. Your computer or external hard drive have inherent shortcomings where storage is concerned. Online cloud storage offers customers unlimited storage space in a safer, more secure manner than hard drives. The most prominent benefits to cloud storage systems are listed below. Centralized Location  In our digital age, our lives are fill... read more.

By RossBackup, Posted in Common Sense

A common reason people cite for not using a cloud storage system is that they already have an external hard drive that they use to backup necessary files. While having any method of backup is preferable to nothing at all, there are some definite disadvantages to using an external hard drive and if you are already investing time and money in the backup of your most important files, why not use a system that ensures you are able to easily access your data? External Hard Drives are Subject to Physical Da... read more.

By Aaron, Posted in Common Sense

Kids and the internet. What was once a novelty is now commonplace, and there are some serious issues that need to be addressed.  Not only are there many sites that kids should not be accessing, there are also many unsavory people waiting for the opportunity to exploit them. Although RossBackup is an online backup company, we can appreciate the dangers of the internet. Here is a list of ways you can protect your children better without “Shielding” them. The reason I believe shielding is... read more.

By RossBackup, Posted in Common Sense

The impact technology has over daily life is ever increasing and expanding. Business meetings are now scheduled through e-mails and iPhones, tablets have taken over the classroom and news comes from Internet sites rather than newspapers. Technological advances continue to demand that businesses grow, shift and adapt in order to stay competitive in today's rapidly changing marketplace.Technology not only changes how a business conducts business, but how employees are valued by a corporation. Once upon a time... read more.

By Aaron, Posted in Common Sense

So many people give the excuse of “I have an external drive” when told about RossBackup. However, when they’re paying upwards of $1000 to recover the lost information from their computer, I never know what to say. Maybe this list will help out.1)      If it’s a real external drive you probably can’t access the information anywhere except from your computer. If it’s a thumb drive it can easily be misplaced or lost.  RossBackup allows you anyti... read more.

By RossBackup, Posted in Common Sense

There are times in life when having a backup not only serves as peace of mind, but also as a tool for continued success. For instance, when sky diving you probably want a backup parachute for those “just in case” scenarios. While losing your data may not feel as catastrophic as launching yourself out of a plane without a spare parachute, it can be detrimental to both your personal and professional life. 1. Quick Access to FilesOne of the greatest things about backing up data is the ease at which... read more.

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