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Internet Safety: Kid Edition

Internet Safety: Kid Edition

By RossBackup (481 words) | Posted in Common Sense on January 07, 2015

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Happy New Year! As we ring in 2015, we should keep in mind the issues of 2014 and what we can do to improve. It is easy to say that 2014 was the year of hacking. Between leaked female celebrity photos and Sony, it was hard not to think about it. While there are some preventative measures for adults to try and stay ahead of hackers, it is important that we teach our children them as well.

Generation Z is constantly surrounded by technology: tablets, computers, televisions, phones, and video game consoles. With technology everywhere, children have easy access to the Internet at all times. This New Year’s, create a resolution for yourself to remind your children of Internet safety.

Here are some tips to get you started:

  • Set boundaries. Whether it’s keeping a computer in a high-traffic area of your home or limiting the amount of time he or she can spend on the computer, setting boundaries allows you to monitor your child’s Internet activity.
  • Never give out personal information. While it may seem like common knowledge, people young and old create friendships on the Internet, and you never truly know who is on the other side of the keyboard.
  • Passwords are private. The only people who should know your child’s passwords are your child and you.
  • Don’t post pictures. Many social sites allow users to have a profile avatar. Before your child posts a picture, make sure he or she asks you first and also make sure they use the privacy settings on the site.
  • Ask permission. Before your child downloads anything from the Internet, make sure they ask you first. Downloads may contain viruses so it’s best to be careful.
  • Don’t respond to bullying. If there are mean messages from someone, remind your child that they do not need to respond. When it comes to bullying, tell your child they can talk to you, or perhaps a school guidance counselor. It’s important that your child knows that being bullied is not his or her fault, and that you want to know about it if it happens.
  • Don’t be rude. Never post things on the Internet that you could never say to another person’s face.
  • Communication is key. Talk to your child about the Internet. Ask what he or she likes to do on the Internet, sit with them, and show them sites you think they would like or find beneficial. Keeping the conversation open allows you to stay up-to-date with your child's Internet activity without being invasive.

If you need want more net-safety advice, check out NetSmartz Workshop for information on Internet safety, gaming, cyberbullying and more. While we can’t protect children from all the dangers in the world, we can make them conscious of them. Like our Facebook page to learn more about how to stay Internet safe and keep your computer backed up.

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