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Kids and the Internet

Kids and the Internet

By Aaron (378 words) | Posted in Common Sense on August 04, 2014

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Kids and the internet. What was once a novelty is now commonplace, and there are some serious issues that need to be addressed.  Not only are there many sites that kids should not be accessing, there are also many unsavory people waiting for the opportunity to exploit them. Although RossBackup is an online backup company, we can appreciate the dangers of the internet.

 Here is a list of ways you can protect your children better without “Shielding” them. The reason I believe shielding is not an effective approach, is because it rarely works. There are many parents that just completely block internet access at home, but one day their child goes to a friend’s house. To quote Aladdin, “ A whole new world” is opened before them.  It’s usually a much better idea to educate your child and introduce him/her properly to safe internet use. This is not an exclusive list and I welcome comments and other ideas.

 1)      Know which devices have internet access. We all know about the computer, iPad and smartphones, but how about the TV? Some of the newer electronic games have internet access also!

 2)      Make sure that all computers are located and used in a centralized location, no corners or bedrooms.

 3)      Establish time limits for how long he/she is allowed online per day.

 4)      Make joint surfing times. Go online together and practice internet safety.

 5)      Talk to your kids. Explain that it’s like driving. You might be a careful driver, but it’s the other guy you need to watch out for.

6)      Install internet protection and/or supervision for younger kids.

7)      Do a little background work before letting your kids go to a friend’s house.  Is there parental supervision when they go online?  No need to be obsessive, just do a little legwork.

 8)      Keep an eye out for recently deleted history or weird pop ups.

 9)      Make sure your kids understand that people might not be who they say they are, and they are not to share information, or even chat, with strangers.

 10)   Educate your kids about hyperlinks and the dangers they pose. Disable them if possible.


Remember, nothing is foolproof. Keeping the lines of communication open is the key to keeping your kids protected. Have any questions? Feel free to E-mail me at and I’ll reply personally!

Comments (1)

Rob S. posted on: February 16, 2021

When it comes to talking to your children about the internet, setting limits is essential. While the internet is great for learning and entertainment, it's important for kids to learn that there's value beyond the screen.

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