
July 2024

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By RossBackup, Posted in Data Backup Tips

Computers today hold so much more than homework assignments and our favorite websites. Today, our computers are full of data, from your account passwords and your browser bookmarks to your most cherished family memories and favorite music. Due to space limitations and the sheer amount of data our computers hold, it is often necessary to make decisions regarding what files you want to keep. Protect your computer by backing up often and take special care with files that mean the most to you.The first thing to... read more.

By RossBackup, Posted in Data Backup Tips

Your PC is full of files ranging from personal information to entertainment and memories of past family events. It can be difficult to know just what you should be backing up because everything that is stored on your computer feels like an important file. The following serves as a guide for what files might be missed most in the event that you lose data.Personal Information and Family PhotosIn our digital age, we take tons of photographs, but very rarely store them anywhere but our computers. You may have a... read more.

By RossBackup, Posted in Data Backup Tips

When you think summer you think sun, sand and hopefully some relaxation and fun. Of course, warmer weather comes to mind as well when thinking of summer. Most of the time, the increased temperature and amount of sun is a huge benefit of summer, but where your computer is concerned, summer weather can actually be a detriment. Be sure to protect your computer from the rising temperatures and other weather related mishaps.The first thing to keep in mind is how to protect your computer from the heat. Taking a d... read more.

By Aaron, Posted in Common Sense

Kids and the internet. What was once a novelty is now commonplace, and there are some serious issues that need to be addressed.  Not only are there many sites that kids should not be accessing, there are also many unsavory people waiting for the opportunity to exploit them. Although RossBackup is an online backup company, we can appreciate the dangers of the internet. Here is a list of ways you can protect your children better without “Shielding” them. The reason I believe shielding is... read more.

By RossBackup, Posted in Data Backup Tips

The number of ways for data to be lost or destroyed is virtually endless. There are physical threats, such as computer theft, water, or fire damage. Additionally, there are internal threats that result in loss of data such as hard drive crashes, OS crashes and Internet viruses. Whether the data loss is personal or professional, its effects can be devastating. It is crucial to protect against the loss of data through various storage methods including cloud storage services.While losing precious baby photos o... read more.

By RossBackup, Posted in Common Sense

The impact technology has over daily life is ever increasing and expanding. Business meetings are now scheduled through e-mails and iPhones, tablets have taken over the classroom and news comes from Internet sites rather than newspapers. Technological advances continue to demand that businesses grow, shift and adapt in order to stay competitive in today's rapidly changing marketplace.Technology not only changes how a business conducts business, but how employees are valued by a corporation. Once upon a time... read more.

By RossBackup, Posted in Data Backup Tips

Cloud storage may sound like a vague, nebulous idea but in reality it is a simple means of storing data. In fact, you are most likely already familiar with some services that offer cloud storage, perhaps the most well known being the social networking site, Facebook. How is it that Facebook is a cloud storage center? Simple, cloud storage is the storage of data to an off-site system. The data and information stored in this off-site storage system is then managed by a third party. Thus, when you upload photo... read more.

By Aaron, Posted in Common Sense

So many people give the excuse of “I have an external drive” when told about RossBackup. However, when they’re paying upwards of $1000 to recover the lost information from their computer, I never know what to say. Maybe this list will help out.1)      If it’s a real external drive you probably can’t access the information anywhere except from your computer. If it’s a thumb drive it can easily be misplaced or lost.  RossBackup allows you anyti... read more.

By RossBackup, Posted in Common Sense

There are times in life when having a backup not only serves as peace of mind, but also as a tool for continued success. For instance, when sky diving you probably want a backup parachute for those “just in case” scenarios. While losing your data may not feel as catastrophic as launching yourself out of a plane without a spare parachute, it can be detrimental to both your personal and professional life. 1. Quick Access to FilesOne of the greatest things about backing up data is the ease at which... read more.

By Aaron, Posted in Common Sense

How many times has this happened to you? You forgot a password.  First you try your favorite one, the one you told to only about 30 people in the past year. When that does not work, you reset the password. The E-mail arrives, and you click on the link. Now we have to deal with security questions. Where did you grow up?  Hmm.  Does that mean where was I born? Maybe it means my teenage years?I’m sure that many of you are reading this and thinking, “This just happened to me!” &... read more.

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