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Articles Tagged - datastorage

By RossBackup, Posted in Data Backup Tips

The holiday season is the perfect time of year to document new memories and favorite family traditions. Unfortunately, digitally captured memories tend to get lost in the rush and excitement holiday engagements. Preserve your holiday memories safely by using the following tips.Backup One way to help ensure your memories are stored safely is to transfer photographs to your storage device as soon as possible. Use of an online cloud storage system is an easy and secure way to keep your holiday memories safe.... read more.

By RossBackup, Posted in Data Backup Tips

Why haven’t you backed up your stuff yet? You know what stuff I am talking about: your documents, emails, photographs, videos, etc. You can’t just expect that it will all still be there safe and sound, day after day, no matter what happens. Because bad things do happen to good people, even when you think they won’t. Putting lost or stolen computers and devices aside, there’s also a lot of malware and just as many viruses that can get into your computer or device and wipe out everythi... read more.

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