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Articles Tagged - cloud

By RossBackup, Posted in Data Backup Tips

When you think summer you think sun, sand and hopefully some relaxation and fun. Of course, warmer weather comes to mind as well when thinking of summer. Most of the time, the increased temperature and amount of sun is a huge benefit of summer, but where your computer is concerned, summer weather can actually be a detriment. Be sure to protect your computer from the rising temperatures and other weather related mishaps.The first thing to keep in mind is how to protect your computer from the heat. Taking a d... read more.

By RossBackup, Posted in Data Backup Tips

Cloud storage may sound like a vague, nebulous idea but in reality it is a simple means of storing data. In fact, you are most likely already familiar with some services that offer cloud storage, perhaps the most well known being the social networking site, Facebook. How is it that Facebook is a cloud storage center? Simple, cloud storage is the storage of data to an off-site system. The data and information stored in this off-site storage system is then managed by a third party. Thus, when you upload photo... read more.

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